Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Kneel before the heel"
What do u think before buying urself the perfect pair of shoes ? Well according to the following trends the first thing a women looks in a shoe are a pair of sky high pencil heels ,glittering in front of her eyes .The rest is then followed as she choses the colour or the material ,but why are suedes or stilettoes so inportant part of the trend. Most of  people beleive it is necessary to follow a trend
but if people only follow the trend then who is supposed to create them .It is just like borrowing a pair of shoes from someone .Like we borrow shoes from our freind the same way pepole these days are borrowing the trend .Affcoarse shiny shoes and trend are inseperable .Most women purchasing heels these days buy them only for using a single day or even a few hours and due to this most of the  heels availaible in the indian market are not durable nor comfortable .When we buy ourselfs a new pair of shiny, dangling shoes for a speacial occasion we dont really see the negatives of the shoes that we are just about to put in our closet and once the occasion is gone the stardome of those expensive pair of heels just vanishes and they stay in the closet for the rest of the eternity.In the first few minutes of trying out a new pair of heels we dnt notice if the are really comfortable or even if they are the right size .The beauty of the shoes blinds the buyer and as long as they are gonna be ours we dont care bout anything .Let me ask u something whenever u purchase a new pair of shoes do they have the same feel at home as they had in the store when u were trying them out?
Well i uess u got the point and if your answer to this question is yes then surely you are a perfect shopper ! .Bying aperfect pair of shoes does also depend from where you are purchasing them .If u buy a pair of shoes from any shop and they cost u around a thosand rupees. Just assuming ! and if u buy the same kind of shoes from a well known store and they cost u two thousand but are thrice as durable then wouldnt it be a better deal .Moreover while buying heels it is crucial to check on the negatives first rather than the positives because the negatives will help u know that the heels you are buying are worth of your money.Here are some top tipes which will never fail in find u a perfect pair of shoes:
*Firstly,never buy shoes during afternoon because usually feet are swollen at that time so if u buy ur shoes in that duration you will definitely end up a pair of shoes that are loose and uncomfortable............and we dont want that to happen.
*Secondly,before buying heels try to walk wearing them far 5 minutes and if u dont feel a tinge of scrub in  the heel of ur foot then the are the right choice baby!
*Thirdly ,if u are buying shoes for a speacial occasion always pick somehting that can also be worn after it and is comfy otherwise u will fill your wardrobe with shoes only good enough to be framed.
*The most important point is never go for a extremely fancy pair of shoes for the first timers .They are most likely to get your teeth broken along with your heart

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to those who dare to write ... and write. Every morning, I puts some fresh flowers in the tiny glass vase by my computer, and expect aroma from computer that happens if I find some good blog. Hope you will get a new keyboard. LOL
